Super Shakes: Eat Different Blog

My Super Shakes Story: Brooke Gonseth

On any given day, Brooke Gonseth, can be found doing a multitude of things. Brooke resides in Rankin County with her new husband, Kyle, and is also a student at Mississippi College. Between settling into newlywed life, going to and from classes, and spending time at the gym, it’s safe to say Brooke’s life these days is always moving at fast speed.


The fact that Brooke doesn’t have to slow down her on-the-go lifestyle to make healthy dietary choices is one of the main reasons she has been an adamant Super Shakes fan for almost five years now.

Don’t Quit those New Year’s Resolutions Yet!

"How many of you have been following the #getleanin19 posts all over the Internet? With each of us being just a month into the start of a New Year, all of the New Year’s resolutions are still fresh on our brains!  For many of us who make New Year’s resolutions, starting a healthier lifestyle or accomplishing weight loss is one of those common resolutions. Here are a few tips to remember as you embark on month two of 2019."

New Year, New You!

There are so many things in our lives that are out of our control but, with each New Year, we are able to find a little bit of control in regards to the resolutions or goals we set for ourselves- whether professionally, personally, health-wise, or whatever you fill in the blank with. While we might not always be able to control our outcomes, we can control whether or not we choose to start. Most of the time, just deciding to start is half of the battle.

How This Entrepreneur Lost 92 Pounds With Super Shakes

“Danny’s health journey began in March of 2018 and, since then, he’s lost over 92 pounds; only a couple pounds shy from reaching his Christmas goal of 100 pounds of weight loss. Sounds incredible, right? That’s because it truly is.”

Local Martial Artist and Mom Powers Up with Super Shakes

“When her young children fell asleep in the car seat, as many moms know all too well, Brandie would keep driving around in order for them to nap. This led her to the original Super Shakes drive-thru on Old Fannin, which is where a part of her Super Shakes story begins.”

A Dive Into Some Super Shakes Facts: Round 2

If you’re new to the Super Shakes Eat Different blog, welcome! There are many posts on our blog – success stories, at-home recipes, and more - so feel free to explore. If you’re a regular reader, welcome back! We are thrilled to have you walk alongside all of us at Super Shakes as we encourage each other to Eat Different each day and make better food choices.


“May your stuffing be tasty.

May your turkey be plump.

May your potatoes and gravy,

Have not a lump.

May your yams be delicious,

And your pies take the prize.

May your Thanksgiving dinner

Stay off your thighs!


A Dive Into Some Super Shakes FAQs

As Super Shakes gears up to celebrate our 9th year in business that is approaching in November, we have begun to reflect a bit on how we started, where we have come from, and where we are going in the future. Even after 8 years in business, we are consistently excited and proud to continue on in our journey to educate our customers and consumers on ways they can Eat Different and best feed their body amidst a busy, constantly on-the-go lifestyle. 

 With our 9th year anniversary just a couple of weeks away, we wanted to take a chance to answer five Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that may help to tell each of you a little bit more about who we are as a company, what values we have, and what we are promoting through our product. We want to tell you what Super Shakes IS! 

3 Healthy, At-Home Recipes for Chocoholics

Here are three at-home, healthy recipes for you to try out this fall when you want something decadent and sweet without losing track of your fitness goals. Each recipe includes protein powder as a main ingredient from our delicious Super Shakes containers that you can buy and stock your kitchen with any time of the year. While there are multiple Super Shakes mixes and flavors of containers you can buy, these recipes feature protein powder from the Super Fit Dutch Chocolate Fudge container. 

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